Education  Research   Advocacy
for Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery 
PSCVTS | ©1993 - 2017 PSCVTS | CONTACT US |

Pakistan Journal of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery: The New Face of PSCVTS has got its ISSN registration. From January 2018 it has started its Online, Open Access version and has increased its frequency from qaurterly to Bi-monthly. Please do read the latest issue of PJCVTS   and send your feed back for help of Editors. We welcome manuscripts of all categories for fast track publication.

The 10th Biennial International Conference of PSCVTS
The 10th Biennial International Conference was held between 12-14th of October 2017. Most of the members of PSCVTS attended it. Many international experts were also invited and their active participation greatly enhanced the academic worth of the conference. Professor Aftab Yunis (Convenor), Dr. Ahmad Shahbaz (Organizing Secretary) and their team from Punjab Institute of Cardiology worked hard to make this event succesfull.

The Annual General Meeting & Election Of New Council
The Annual General Meeting of the members of PSCVTS was held on 13th of October 2017. The new Council of Management was elected for two years. The key office holder of society are as following:

Haider Zaman  (President)
Shahid Sami (Vice President)
Anjum Jalal (General Secretary)
Hasnat Sharif (Treasurer)
Muhammad Yasir Khan (Joint Secretary)
Muhammad Afsheen Iqbal (Member)
Amer Bilal (Member)
Tauqir Akbar (Member)
Aftab Yunus (Member)

Annual Meeting 2018
The members from Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology showed interest to host the Annual Meeting of 2018. This was approved unanimously.  Dr. Tauqeer Akbar would lead the organizing committee of the meeting and would announce the dates as soon as possible.

Archives & History
It is nearly 25 years since the establishment of PSCVTS. It is time to prepare the archives of the society and compile an authentic history of the society for the information of coming generations. All members of the society are requested to contribute by sharing any old pictures, artifacts, abstract books, minutes of past meetings or details of any other PSCVTS events. The material can be sent to the General Secreatry of PSCVT by email.

It is pertinent to mention that the two Founder Members namely Prof. MA Cheema (Dil Rawn Davan) and Maj. Gen. MR Kiani (Kiani Kahani) have published their memoires in Urdu. Both of these books narate many interesting events which have remained hidden thus far. There is plenty of motivational stuff for the young surgeons.